How to Create Optimized PNG Images

PNG file format

Do you have a set of PNG images that you want to transfer or upload online? Then optimizing them is a useful option, because this way you reduce file size while preserving good quality and thus can obtain more speed when processing your images.

How does it work?

By reducing the size of the PNG’s IDAT datastream through various compression levels and PNG filter methods. This technique can also be used to remove unwanted ancillary chunks or to add others, including gAMA, tRNS, iCCP and textual chunks.

Freeware edition of reaConverter Lite can help you obtain the best possible results with optimizing PNG images in no more than a few seconds.

Load all the PNGs you intend to optimize

Add one or more PNG images you intend to optimize.

Optimize PNG images, Step 1

Setup optimization settings

Click the PNG button from the bottom part of the reaConverter window and then go to the Settings icon, placed in the upper left corner of the button. Alternatively, you can get to the same place by clicking the Menu button and then Saving settings → Format saving settings, and the PNG tab. Once you are here, tick the Create optimized PNG box and make sure the compression level is set to 9.

Optimize PNG images, Step 2

In case you plan to plan to optimize a large amount of PNG images and you have to do this frequently, you can try activating a right-click conversion option. Go to the Menu button and then to Context menu integration, click the ON button and then go to Settings. Here you can edit the configuration (.cfg) and the action (.act) files, so that they fit your needs. Additional options for automating PNG optimization are setting up the Watch Folders option or using command-line tool:

cons_rcp.exe –s "C:\Path_to\input_file.png" -o "C:\Path_to\optimized_file.png" -png_compression 9

Process all your PNG images

Finally, go to the Saving options tab and pick the location of the output PNGs – offline, in a local folder, or online, using Google Drive,, Dropbox or OneDrive.

Optimize PNG images, Step 3

Then simply press Start and your newly optimized PNGs will soon be ready!

Video Tutorial

Advanced users can optimize PNG images in batch via command line interface or DLL in manual, automated or scheduled mode. You are welcome to contact our technical support when you have any questions about reaConverter.